Digitize Your Company Documents with Ease

Efficient, Reliable, and Secure Wide Format Scanning Services by The Professional Members of The International Reprographic Association.

Scan Plans

Get your plans scanned in all formats up to E-size. Trust our advanced technology and experienced staff for precise and accurate scans.

Scan Documents

We scan all types of documents, including legal documents, project specifications and much more, all in a secure environment.

Scan Folders & Archives

Save time and effort by letting us scan your mixed documents. From texts and images to technical drawings, we digitize your entire folders and archives.

From paper chaos to clear digital filing in 3 steps

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Get a price

Submit details about your project and get a firm project or per-piece price.

Scan documents Wide Format Scanning 2

Scan documents

Your construction plans, specifications or other documents will be professionally scanned, cleaned up and stored securely in the cloud.

Name documents Wide Format Scanning 3

Name documents

If desired, your scanned files can be indexed, converted to Autocad, and/or placed in a convenient file structure.

Request a No-Obligation Quote

Your first step to digitize your documents.

Our Story

The 70 nationwide members of the International Reprographic Association have decades of experience scanning, archiving and managing documents. When you request a bid through this website, a member of the association in your area will reach out to guide you through your project.

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Scans of all documents

Scan entire archives

Why Choose Us

Experience unmatched convenience, speed, and professionalism in digitizing your company documents.

Digitize Your Company Documents with Ease Wide Format Scanning

Scans of large-format construction documents

We can safely and accurately scan your entire archive of plans, regardless of condition or format. The resulting digital archive will be clean, conveniently structured and available for instant access

Scans of small format documents

Scanning those cartons of paper documents that now clutter up your office can free up space and create an archive that is designed for easy access. You’ll never have to dig through boxes to find that missing receipt, contract or proposal again!

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Scan entire archives

Scan entire archives

With our high-performance scanners, we digitize old archives with all documents: technical drawings, plans, text documents, invoices, delivery notes and much more.

Art Scanning

Scanning large pieces of original artwork is a great way to digitize, monetize and preserve it. Our members scan your artwork in a totally safe and secure environment.

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Your advantages at a glance

Accurate, convenient document archive

Less paper clutter in your office

Fast access from anywhere

Easily share and send documents

Ideal for home office / mobile working